Since I have discovered behind our house on meadow herb St. John´s Worth, I do beautiful red colored and lovely scent oil out of this herb infused in olive oil. It´s called St, John´s oil ( DIY click here). It´s turn out to be great oil for husband painful knees, my muscle fevers after training and also great massage oil. Since my husband travels a lot, it is sometimes complicated to carry bottle of oil with him , so this year I did experiment also with St. John´s olive oil soap and also I tried to make St. John´s body butter.
Recept tu: Recipe here:
100g bambuckého masla 100 g Shea Butter
50 g Jánskeho oleja 50 g St. John´s oil
Všetko vložíme do misky a nad parou pomaly na miernom ohni rozpustíme.
Everything needs to be placed in bowl and on slow heat melted over steam ( placed on top of pot with little water ).
Roztopené maslo má krásnu farbu Jánskeho oleja aj si zachovalo jemnú vôňu, teda nepridávame žiadnu farbu ani esenciu. Dáme do chladničky pokiaľ nezačne tuhnúť. Asi 25 minút.
Melted butter kept its lovely color and scent of St. John´s oil, so we don´t add any color or essence. Now it needs to rest in fridge until getting emulsion like consistency, for about 25 minutes.
Keď maslo stuhlo na riedku emulziu, maslo šľahačom vyšľaháme, malo by zväčšiť svoj objem a hneď lyžicou naložíme do pripravených nádob. Nádobu vždy dezinfikujem liehom. Taktiež môžeme pridať do masla počas šľahania vitamín E ( dostať v každej lekárni). Ešte necháme nádobu otvorenú 24 hodín, aby sa maslo vychladilo na izbovú teplotu až potom vrchnákom zavrieme. Takéto telové maslo vydrží aj rok, keďže neobsahuje žiadnu vodu.
After butter gets emulsion like consistency, we whisk the butter until foamy lovely texture, we whisk for a long time, like 20 minutes or so, the volume needs to double itself. Once ready, directly transfer the body butter by spoon to prepared containers or jars. I splashed containers by little vodka ( or alcohol from pharmacy ) for disinfection, or we can add also vitamin E ( also can get in every pharmacy) . This body butter doesn´t contain water at all,it can last really for a long time, even up to a year. First we leave body butter to cool down to room temperature without closed lid for 24 hours, only after that we close our jars and store them in cool and dry place.
Ľubovník bodkovaný je vraj fotosensitívny, teda po natretí maslom z Jánskeho oleja sa neodporúča ísť na priame slnko citlivým jedincom. Ja osobne nemám ani na slnku žiadnu reakciu, ale toto telové maslo využívame aj tak väčšinou večer po náročnom dni.
St. John´s Worth herb is little photosensitive, so for very sensitive people is not advised to stay after using this body butter on direct sun. I never had any issues or skin reactions on the sun, but most of the time we used this body butter in the evening after a long and hard day.
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