I love Caprese salat and last year I started to bake pizza too, and yes, you can do great pizza at home. Since I don ´t live in the city, it happened to me often, that I forgot to buy mozzarella and had to run car to city to get it. If I only knew how easy it is to make mozzarella at home and you know what is in it. To make mozzarella takes approximate 60 minutes. As per price 460 g I made cost me 2,40 Euros, which is the price of mozzarella on discount I guess, but this is my own one, made with love for my family and our pizza is luxurious, made only with mozzarella :-)
Najskôr som robila recept z 2 litrov mlieka, ale vyšlo mi len niečo pod 250 g mozzarelly a tak som robila ďalšiu zo 4 litrov mlieka a vyšlo mi tých 460 g.
First I tried it from 2 litres of milk and I got less then 250 g mozzarella, and so I did next one from 4 l milk and I got those 460 g mozzarella.
4 litre nepasterizovaného kravské mlieka z mliekomatu ( môže byť aj čerstvé (nie trvanlivé) plnotučné pasterizované mlieko)
1 a pol čajovej lyžičky kyseliny citrónovej
1/2 čajovej lyžičky syridla ( ja mám tekuté)
4 l unpasteurized milk ( it can be also fresh pasteurized full-fat milk )
1 and half tea spoon citric acid
1/2 tea spoon rennet ( I have got liquid rennet)
Kyselinu citrónovú rozmiešam v troche vody a pridám do mlieka. Chvíľu premiešam.
Citric acid mix in little water and add to your milk, mix well for a short time.
Potrebujeme teplomer, mlieko pomaly zahrejeme na 32 stupňov Celzia. Trvá to len pár minút.
We will need a termometer, the milk needs to be heated up on medium heat to 32 degrees Celzia, it only takes few minutes.
Keď dosiahneme teplotu, vypneme a preložíme vedľa. Teraz pridáme pol čajovej lyžičky syridla a chvíľu dobre premiešame. Zakryjeme pokrievkou a necháme 10-15 minút stáť.
When reached the temperature, switch off and move to next place. Now we add half tea spoon of rennet and mix it well for a while. Then close the lid and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
Po 10-15 minútach mlieko sadlo a keď strčíte jemne prst, tak sa hmota uhne ako želatína. Toto je tá správna konzistencia. Ak ešte mlieko nesadlo úplne, zakryte a nechajte stáť ešte 10 minút.
After 10-15 minutes the milk is set and if you gently place your finger on top, it will run underneath like jelly. This is the right consistency. In case milk is not set completely, cover it up and let it sit for another 10 minutes.
Sadnuté mlieko nakrájame na kocky a opatrne premiešame a necháme zohriať na 43 stupňov Celzia.
Sat milk needs to be diced and gently mix it, to break it to squares, now we need to heat it again to 43 degrees Celzia.
When reached 43 degrees, switch it off and take out the cheese into sieve, let it drop of the whey and also gently squeeze more whey out. The remaining whey needs to be heated to 83 degrees now.
Keď dosiahne srvátka 83 stupňov, dáme si ju na najmenej, aby nám teplotu držala ale už nerástla. Zo syru si odtrhneme časť akú veľkú asi chceme mozzarellu a ponoríme ju na 10 sekúnd do horúcej srvátky, aby sa nahriala. Teraz je potrebné dať si aspoň gumenné rukavice, aby sme sa nepopálili a pripraviť si misu so studenou vodou, kam mozzarelly budeme odkladať. Keď vytiahneme syr zo srvátky, budeme ho miesiť ako cesto na koláč a skúšať naťahovať tak, aby sa nám nepotrhal. Ak sa trhá, ponoríme do srvátky, aby sa viac zahrial, zase na 10 sekúnd.
When whey reached 83 degrees, lower the temperature to minimum, so it stays hot but does not get hot more. From cheese we rip handful and shape it into a ball, size of our mozzarella and lower it into whey for like 10 seconds, to get it hot. Now we need to wear gloves not to burn our self and also prepare a bowl of cold water for our mozzarella to cool down. When taking out cheese, we need to play with it like with east dough to form it and stretch it, but without ripping off. If it still rips apart, need to place it in hot whey to warm it up more. Again just for 10 seconds or so.
Keď sa nám už dá syr natiahnuť bez roztrhnutia, vytvarujeme si guličku mozzarelly.
When able to stretch cheese with no rips, form a ball of mozzarella.
Takto vyformujeme guľku :-)
Making mozzarella ball :-)
Ponoríme do studenej vody na 20 minút vychladnúť.
Pour into cold water for 20 minutes to cool down.
Hotovo :-)
Ready :-)
Zo studenej vody ( 250 ml) a zo srvátky (250 ml) a 1 čajovej lyžičky soli si urobíme nálev, takto môžeme mozzarelly skladovať v náleve v chladničke jeden týždeň.
From cold water (250 ml) and from whey (250 ml) and 1 tea spoon salt we make mixture, in this mixture we can store mozzarella in a fridge up to 1 week.
Pokúsila som sa zamiešať čerstvú nasekanú bazalku do mozzarelly, pri jej formovaní do guličky, Nabudúce skúsim použiť aj iné bylinky alebo čili , vyzerá to krásne, ja mám určite nové hobby :-) Nevedela som, že vyrobiť syr doma ,je také jednoduché a určite vyrobím aj synovi pár pareničiek, ktoré sa robia tak isto len sa natiahnutý syr zroluje, myslím si, že to za tú trochu času určite stojí.Tak veľa zdaru :-)
I tried also to mix chopped fresh basil in mozzarella while forming a ball , next time I will try with other herbs too and also chili , it looks really nice, I am definitely having a new hobby :-)
I didn´t know it is so easy to make cheese at home, next time will try to do some traditional rolled Slovak cheese for my son, it is the same way, just instead of ball the stretched cheese is rolled . I think it is really worth that one hour of my time. So if you try it, enjoy it :-)
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