Ďalší z pokusov o zdravšie raňajky alebo desiatu pre syna do školy, tentokrát to hlavne zabralo na manžela, poctivo tieto cereálne tyčinky raňajkuje, kým ich všetky nezje.
Na osladenie je použitý len med a hrozienka, samé dobré ingrediencie, nie sú málo kalorické, ale sú zdravšou verziou sladkostí.
A arašidové maslo si robím sama ( tu), je to nenáročné a hlavne ten rozdiel v chuti s tým z obchodu je fakt dosť cítiť.
Another try of healthier breakfast or snack to school for my son, but this time my husband fell for it, he is eating these cereal bars for his breakfast every morning, until they last :-)
For sweet taste is used only honey and raisins, these bars are not low in calories but ingredients are just healthy. So these bars are healthier version of sweets.
And peanut butter I do at home (here ), it is very easy and the different in taste between mine and the one from shop is really huge.
Recept na menší plech (cca 20 x 30 cm):
1. časť :
180 g jemné ovsené vločky
75 g mandle
20 g mletý kokos
60 g hrozienok
štipka soli
2: časť:
120 g arašidového masla
60 g medu
30 g kokosového oleja
3. časť:
150 g horkej čokolády
1 kopcovitá polievková lyžica arašidového masla ( vyrobiť si vlastné doma)
Recipe for smaller tray ( cca 20 x 30 cm)
1. part:
180 g Oat meal (flakes)
75 g almonds
20 g dry shredded coconut
60 g raisins
pinch of salt
2. part:
120 g peanut butter (how to make it yourself )
60 g honey
30 g coconut oil
3. part:
150 g dark chocolate
1 soup spoon peanut butter
First part of ingredients blend well , I used ordinary blender for smoothie.
Pridala som druhú časť receptu a ešte raz dobre zmixovala.
Add second part of ingredients and blend once more.
Prepare tray with sheet of baking paper and just using my fingers I cover it with coconut oil all around, then add your cereal mixture and use spoon to flatten and press the surface.
Na polevu som si roztopila čokoládu a zároveň aj arašidové maslo, keďže to moje nemá žiadny nežiadúci palmový olej :-D pridala som pár gramov kakaového masla, aby bolo tekutejšie.
At the same time I melted chocolate and in other ball peanut butter, since my peanut butter doesn't contain any unwanted palm oil :-D, I added few grams cocoa butter, just to make it smooth.
First I pour melted chocolate and then on few spots melted peanut butter for a nice pattern on top.
So špáradlom som po povrchu kreslila do čokolády a arašidového masla vlnky pre vzor :-)
With toothpick I made wavy pattern on wet chocolate and peanut butter :-)
Needs to rest at least for 2 hours, but best overnight, this pic is from the morning, after night in the fridge.
Dobrú chuť :-)
Until eaten, store in fridge, they are really yummy, I am making them regularly for my husband :-)
Bon ape tit :-)
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