Po lete býva pokožka vysušená a keď sa ochladí nepoznám nič lepšie ako telové maslo, je síce mastnejšie ale nepoužívam ho na tvár. Málokedy telové maslo obsahuje veľa kakaového masla, hoci kakaové maslo je priam zázrak s bonusom vône, ktoré sa roztopí už len dotykom pokožky. Napriek tomu, že toto vyšľahané telové maslo vďaka väčšiemu podielu kakaového masla trošku viac stvrdne, som si povedala nech a poriadne som si ho do tohto receptu dala :-) A oplatilo sa, keď sa večer natriem, telové maslo sa na mne krásne rozpustí, vpije do pokožky a nádherne vonia, ešte ráno mám vláčnu pokožku ako bábätko :-)
After summer is skin usually very dry and when it gets cold, I know nothing better for skin then body butter, it is rather more oily but I don´t use it on my face. Rarely contains body butter too much of cocoa butter, even if it is miracle for the skin and the scent is bonus, it melts directly by touching your skin and soak in it. It is because whipped body butters if it contains too much of cocoa butter is no longer whipped but it gets little hard. But I said to myself it doesn´t matter hard or not, I add big load of cocoa butter in this recipe :-) And it did work out great, it melts just by touching my skin, soaking in immediately and it smells lovely, even on the next day my skin feels smooth like babie´s bottom :-)
80 g bio kakaové maslo
120 g bambucké maslo ( použila som rafinované, lebo nerafinované trošku zapácha a nechcela som
kaziť vôňu kakaového masla )
56 g mandľový olej
2 g vitamínu E
100 kvapiek ambra ( vonný olej)
80 g bio cacao butter
120 g Shea butter ( I used refined Shea butter, since it doesn´t have that odor to break cocoa butter lovely scent)
56 g almond oil
2 g vitamin E
100 drops amber perfume oil
Všetko som si navážila do misky, ktorú som položila na hrniec s vriacou vodou, pomaly sa všetko roztopilo a spojilo. Potom som misku vložila do chladničky a striehla na polotuhú konzistenciu ako na tejto fotky, keď sa dá ešte hmota miešať ale už nie je tekutá. Naozaj treba vystriehnuť ten správny moment, inak maslo nevyšľaháme.
All items I measured and placed in a big bowl which I stood over pot with boiling water, slowly all oils and butters melted completely. Then I placed it in the fridge to get the right form and temperature. It is really important to get non liquid but still not hard consistence to be able to whipped it. So it should be something similar to the one on photo, still be able to mix it with spoon but no liquid oil part.
Teraz hmotu vyšľaháme na krásne maslo, šľaháme naozaj dlho , aj 20 minút, objem by sa mal zdvojnásobiť a v tomto kroku zašľaháme aj vôňu ambry, ktorá je naozaj nádherná v kombinácii s prirodzenou vôňou kakaového masla, mňam :-)
Now we will whisk the butter until foamy lovely texture, we whisk for long time, like 20 minutes or so, the volume needs to double itself and in this step we also add amber scent which is really something extraordinary together with natural scent of cocoa butter, yummy:-)
Kelímok som zase preliala vodkou pre dezinfekciu, hoci telové maslo neobsahuje vodu a teda vydrží nám dlho. Vyšlo mi asi 350 ml z tohto receptu, maslo necháme ešte 24 hodín odokryté, aby dosiahlo izbovú teplotu až potom kelímok zavrieme a neskladujeme v chladničke, inak nám stvrdne na kosť.
Treba sa natierať dlhšie, maslo je tuhšie a topí sa až po dotyku s pokožkou, ale aspoň sa môžete aj krásne vymasírovať. Vôňa je nádherná, s kakaovým maslom sa kvetové vône vôbec nehodia a po čase až smrdia, preto je vhodné použiť vanilku, škoricu ale ambra je momentálne môj top.
I splashed container by little vodka again for disinfection, even if body butter doesn´t contain water at all,it can last really for a long time. I have got 350 ml out of this recipe, I let the body butter sit for 24 hours, with open lid, just to cool down to room temperature, only then I put the lid on. Do not store in fridge it will get hard like stone, this body butter is already going to be little more harder thanks to cocoa butter. So be ready to use it and cream yourself little longer, since it melts only by touch of your skin, but you can do a little massage also. The scent is really amazing, you can not combine cacao butter scent with flowery scent, after a while it will stink. So I usually use vanilla or cinnamon scents with cocoa butter but this combination with amber is my top right now.