Everywhere in our garden grows Ribwort (Plantago lanceolata).While I finally made myself to do a syrup, my parents twice cut the grass. Recipe is really easy, but it is not ready yet as it will take another 4,5 weeks to make syrup, but since it is good to collect plantain from April end until May end, and it is still in garden now, I am writing this article now, so you can still try it. Ribwort is very good for bronchi, while sage syrup is good for sore throat. So I want be ready for this autumn.
Takto vyzerá. This is how it looks like.
Stačilo mi listov na dne košíka na 1 kg cukru. It was enough leaves at the bottom of basket for 1 kg sugar.
Budeme potrebovať veľký uzatvárateľný pohár, 1 kg cukru, môže sa použiť aj hnedý trstinový cukor. Listy som umyla a nechala odkvapkať.
We will need big jar with closing lid and 1 kg sugar, you can use brown sugar too. I washed leaves and let it dry.
Prekladáme vrstvu listov s cukrom, listy poriadne tlačíme päsťou do fľaše.Robíme vrstvy.
We are making layers of leaves and sugar, leaves need to be pressed by our fist firmly in to the jar.
Takto to vyzerá na-vrstvené. All layers done.
Ja som nemala vrchnák, tak som hrdlo prekryla fóliou s gumičkami. Teraz by sme mali nechať 6 týždňov v tme a v izbovej teplote. Potom scedíme listy a sirup uchováme v chladničke. Väčšinou dávkujem všetky domáce lieky po čajovej lyžičke 3 x denne mne aj 7 ročnému synovi.
I haven´t got lid so I used plastic with rubber ban. Now we should store it in dark place and in room temperature for 6 weeks, then we drain the leaves and keep syrup in fridge. Usually all my home made medicine I take 3 times a day by tea spoon. Same for my 7 years old son.
Takto sirup vyzerá po 10 dňoch. This how syrup looks like after 10 days.
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