Our Granny has planted sage, last year I found on this blog klaura - dnes recipe for sage cough syrup, which I already made last summer, and it lasted me just until autumn, so this year I plan to do this syrup each tíme sage will grow up big again :-)
600 ml vody
500 g cukru ( ja som použila trstinový, má karamelkovú chuť)
2 hrste šalvie
1 citrón
600 ml of water
500 g sugar ( I used cane brown sugar for slightly caramel flavor )
2 hands full of sage
1 lemon
Šalviu si umyjem a nechám odkvapkať.
Wash the sage and let it dry.
Cukor s vodou privediem do varu, aby sa cukor celý rozpustil.
Start to cook water and sugar, until sugar melts completely.
Medzitým si šalviu nakrájam.
In meantime I slice the sage small.
Do vriaceho sirupu vhodím šalviu a nechám chvíľu variť, asi 3 minútky, potom vypnem.
Into boiling syrup add sage and boil for 3 more minutes, then switch it off.
Pridám nakrájaný citrón a na noc odložím do chladničky vylúhovať.
Add sliced lemon and let it rest through the night in the fridge.
Na ďalší deň zmes znova zahrejem. Fľašu najskôr prelejem vriacou vodou a potom zmes scedím a načapujem do fľaše.
Next day heat the sage syrup again. Rinse the bottle by boiling water and then drain mixture and fill the bottle up.
Horúci sirup zabalím do deky alebo uterákov a nechám kvôli sterilizácii vychladnúť do ďalšieho dňa.
Skladujeme v chladničke, užívam zvyčajne 1 lyžicu ráno a večer. Deťom je chuťovo znesiteľný, zato mne mimoriadne chutí :-)
Wrap hot syrup in blanket or towels and let it cool down due to sterilization until next day. Store in the fridge, while having sore throat or cough take 1 spoon by morning and 1 spoon by evening. It tastes OK to kids, to me I love it :-)
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