Mydlo z čistého kokosového oleja vysušuje, preto nie je vhodné na umývanie ako iné mydielka, ale má úžasnú čistiacu schopnosť, a je to asi ten najjednoduchší recept aký poznám, preto ak sa niekto odhodlávate skúsiť vyrobiť si doma mydlo, toto je recept pre vás :-)
Soap made only from coconut oil might be drying out your skin, so instead of using it for washing your body and hair, use it for cleaning and washing laundry due to it´s perfect cleaning ability. It is almost the most simple sop to do at home, so if you are about to try to make your soap at home, this is the best first try soap recipe for you :-)
Kokosové mydlo sa vám zíde na pranie, vyrába sa z neho sliz na pranie, alebo laundry butter ( maslo na pranie), ktoré je cenovo neskutočne výhodné, plus šetrite svoju pokožku a prírodu okolo.
This coconut soap is great for laundry, also to make laundry butter and it is also very economical to your wallet plus you are gentle to your skin and environment around you.
Taktiež som z tohto mydla vyrobila úžasne voňavý a hlavne funkčný čistič na kúpeľňu.
Recept bude v ďalšom príspevku aj na pracie maslo aj na čistič kúpelne.
I also made my bathroom cleaner from this soap bar and it is great. In next article I will add recipe for the Bathroom cleaner too.
Teraz recept na mydlo na pranie. Jedná sa o horúci proces, teda mydlo po dosiahnutí stopy, varíme aby mu kleslo PH, pokiaľ budeme variť krátko, PH bude vysoké a mydlo nebude možné použiť, preto naozaj odporúčam dodržať dobu varenia a urobiť si test s papierikmi z lekárne na hodnotu PH.
Taktiež ak by ste niekto chceli recept prerátať na soap kalkulačke, tak pretučnenie pri tomto mydle bude len 1%,
Now lets do this. It is hot process soap, so after mixing your lye and oils, reaching a trace, you cook it to lower soap PH. If your cooking will be too short, PH of your soap will be high and soap can not be used, so I really recommend to follow cooking process and after you are done to run PH test, you can use PH papers from pharmacy.
And also if someone likes to run this recipe on soap calculator, it is only 1% superfat.
935 g kokosového oleja
935 g coconut oil
na lúh: Lye mixture:
340 g destilovanej vody 340 g destilated water
167 g NaOH 167 g NaOH (sodium hydroxide)
30g esencie ( dala som polovicu levanduľovej silice a polovicu vanilkovej esencie)
30g of essence ( I made mixture of lavender essential oil and vanilla essence)

Odvážime a rozpustíme si kokosový olej. V tomto hrnci budeme aj mydlo variť. Esenciu dávame až po uvarení, aby proces saponifikácie prežila.
Lets measure and melt coconut oil in a pot. In this pot we will cook the soap later on. Essence is added after cooking process so it survives saponification of soap.
Zarobený lúh, najskôr voda, DO NEJ NaOH, nie naopak a POZOR na tvár, oči, pokožku a výpary, najlepšie niekde v okne alebo na balkóne, kde vás nikto nebude chvíľku rušiť.
Our lye ( measured water, into water added NaOH, let it sit until its clear) be very CAREFUL always add NaOH into water and not opposite, it might cause a blast, and also do not breath fumes of mixing lye and cover your eyes, wear long sleeve top and gloves. The best is to mix it on open air ( balcony, window) where no kids or pets can reach you.
Lúh vlejeme do oleja.
Lye is clear and added to our oil.
Zmes mixujeme až do stopy, teda pudingovej konzistencie.
Mixture needs to be mixed well by stick blender, until it reaches trace / trace means puding = custard consistency like).

Mydlo varíme na strednom ohni, v recepte bola hodina, moje dosiahlo veniec okolo a bublinu v strede po 45 minútach, možno preto že mám indukčnú dosku, ktorá je rýchlejšia, každopádne stačilo na PH pod 11 tých 45 minút. Prikryjeme pokrievkou.
Soap goes on stove and it is cooked for 1 hour, until it reaches "wreath" around with bubble in the middle, for me it took 45 minutes, maybe because I have got an induction stove which is little faster. My soap PH was bellow 11 , so those 45 minutes was enough for me. Lid has to be on the pot.

Toto je tip ako si od mydla odložiť zatiaľ nástroje, pretože mydlo by nám mohlo upchať potrubie, do vody s octom vlastne zneutralizujeme zásadité mydlo, ktoré sa odlepí a rozloží, teda aj keď potom mixér dávam do umývačky, nie je už na ňom nič.
This is my little tip how to store your raw soap mixture utensils and blender, I simply place it in a container with mixture of little vinegar and water. Vinegar neutralize the alkaline soap mixture, so when I place all things into the dishwasher at the end, they are already clean with no mixture on them.

Medzitým ako sa mydlo varí si pripravíme formu, vystelieme papierom na pečenie.
Meanwhile our soap is cooking, lets prepare the form, form needs to be lay out by baking paper or other greasy paper.

Mydlo varením urobí veniec dookola, stred nám bude bublať.
So this is the "wreath" around the pot with buble in the middle.
Po 45 minútach som stredovú bublinu rozmiešala na takúto hustú zmes a bolo hotové.
After 45 minutes on my induction stove I mix the middle buble away and the mixture was thick and harden very fast. This is ready to be placed in the form.
PH nesmie byť vyššie ako 11. Na obrázku mám hneď po uvarení 9, teda 45 minút stačilo.
PH must not be higher then 11. On the picture, directly after cooking, I have got PH 9 , so 45 minutes was long enough for my soap.
Do mydla v tomto kroku pridáme esenciu a snažíme sa vymiešať, mydlo už bolo veľmi tuhé a ako chladlo bolo ťažšie ho dostať do formy, pomáhala som si lyžicou. Je to od odstavenia len chvíľa, teda v tomto kroku sa ponáhľame.
In this state we add our essence and mix it well. The soap is getting hard now really fast, so it was difficult to pour it into the form, I had to use spoon at the end. It took only moment for soap to get this hard , so this is your time race.
Mydlo som nechala odpočívať do druhého dňa, aspoň 12 hodín.
Soap was resting in form for 24 hours.

Nakrájané mydielko je biele ako sneh a krásne vonia. Vôňa mu ostala aj v čističi na kúpeľňu :-)
Cut soap has got lovely snow white color and it smells wonderful. The scents remains also in the Bathroom cleaner I made out of this soap later.
Z tohto mydla môžete robiť pracie maslo alebo sliz na pranie aspoň rok, mne vyšlo 24 ks, používam ho aj na univerzálny čistič, recept v ďalšom príspevku :-)
Out of this soap we can do laundry butter which can last us also whole year, I have got 24 pieces from this recipe. I also made out of this laundry soap my Bathroom cleaner, recipe in next article :-)
Teda pri málo receptoch sa dá hovoriť o cenovej výhodnosti, ide skôr o to, že viete čo na seba a svoju rodinu dávate a že je to bez zbytočnej chémie, ale v tomto prípade sa poteší aj vaša peňaženka aj vy aj príroda okolo, kam z vašej práčky ide odpadová voda...
To make your cosmetics at home is not always cheaper, but it is free of chemicals and you know what you made it out from, also it is gentle to your skin , but in this one case it is also friendly to your wallet and nature around you - wherever your washing machine waste water leaks...
Veľa zdaru :-)
Good luck and good results :-)