V mojom okolí sa doslova začal baby boom :-) človeka to vráti späť k spomienkam keď si k bábätku privonia. Tak som si v olivovom oleji macerovala harmanček asi 6 týždňov a rozhodla som sa urobiť mydielko, bez vône, bez farby, také prírodné a nežné, práve pre miminká, takže ak zase pôjdem nejaké privoňať, mám darček :-)
Around me started babyboom :-) It brings me back to sweet memories every time I smell the baby skin. So I infused in olive oil camomile for past 6 weeks and decided to make soap, with no scent, no color, just pure natural and soft soap for babies, so next time I will go to sniff some friend´s baby I will have got a lovely present :-)
Zase som použila recept na Kastílske mydielko:
proces za studena.
1077 g Olivový olej - macerát plus doliať ak chýba ( mne chýbalo asi 300 g )
na lúh:
354 g destilovanej vody
136 g NAOH ( hydroxid sódny)
1,5 čajovej lyžičky kuchynskej soli ( nie morskej)
1 polievková lyžica medu
1 polievkovú lyžicu sušeného plnotučného kozieho mlieka
teplota oleja a lúhu od 33 do 38 stupňov pre zmiešanie
I used my Castilian soap recipe.
Cold process soap
1077 g olive oil - infusion plus olive oil, if missing some grams ( I missed like 300 g only)
for lye:
354 g distilled water
136 g Sodium Hydroxid (NaOH)
1,5 tea spoon kitchen salt (not sea salt)
1 soup spoon honey
1 soup spoon full fat goat milk powder
Temperatures to mix lye and oil in range from 33 to 38 degrees Celzia
Lúh si robím ako prvý, vonku bolo minus 20 stupňov Celzia, takže sa rýchlo dostal na tú správnu teplotu.
Macerát som precedila a doliala chýbajúci olej a olej zahriala na 38 stupňov Celzia.
First thing I do is lye mixture, since it takes time to cool down. Outside on terrace was minus 20 degrees Celsius so it went faster to reach right temperature. Infused oil I sieved and added missing part of olive oil for this recipe and heat it for 38 degrees Celsius.
Pridala som do teplého oleja 1 polievkovú lyžicu sušeného kozieho mlieka.
Into warm oil I added 1 soup spoon of powder goats milk.
Potom namiesto cukru a pre tvrdosť mydla 1 polievkovú lyžicu medu, odteraz to robievam vždy.
Then instead of sugar I added 1 soup spoon of honey for hardness of soap and since now I will always do it.
Everything needs to be blended well , so oil is smooth. Then I added lye and blend it to reach trace.
Tentokrát som si vystačila s formami.
This time I used only forms.
Soap is beautifully white and it went smoothly out of the form just after 24 hours. After 3 weeks is hard and makes lovely foam. This time I infused camomile in pomace olive oil, not in extra virgin olive oil like I infused calendula , this is cheaper way and there was no difference in foam making or gentle feel on the skin. So for me, it means I can infuse herbs in cheaper pomace olive oil and leave extra virgin olive oil for salads to eat :-)