Taktiež mi prišiel modrý íl, tak som si povedala že skombinujem aj modro- čierno - biele mydlo, keďže čipka je malá, robievam vždy iné mydlo a z malej časti robím čipkové mydlo, len tak pre radosť. Modrý íl ale nefungoval, mydlo sa vôbec nezafarbilo, ostalo sivé a bielo- čierne. Nevadí, bol to pokus :-)
V poslednom čase väčšinou používam len olivový olej a robievam Kastílske mydlá, zo 100% olivového oleja. Po všetkých tých ekologických katastrofách s palmovým olejom, radšej mám istotu že olivový olej je naozaj olivový.
I read somewhere that active charcoal purifies skin, so I wanted to try it, and also I came across Lace soap, so I started to look for exact box to fit my silicone lace mat. The result was overtaking. And since then I make lace soap on regular basis.
Also I have got blue clay, so I decided to try it out with white-black-blue soap, since my lace mat is very small and I make always another soap with lace soap together. Blue clay didn´t work at all, it turned grey, so soap was grey, white and black. But never mind, I gave it a try :-)
Lately I make only olive oil soap, like Castilian soap with 100% olive oil only, since all those ecological crises with palm oil , I´d like to make sure, that my olive oil is really olive oil.
Recept z 1 a 1/2 dávky:
1615 g olivového oleja Pomace
531 g destilovanej vody ( vo vode rozpustiť 1,5 čaj.lyžičky kuchynskej soli a 2 č.l. cukru pred pridaním NAOH)
204 g NAOH
30 ml esencie ( použila som vonnú esenciu orgovánu, mydlo voňalo krásne a intenzívne)
Lúh a olej mixujeme spolu po dosiahnutí rovnakej teploty v rozmedzí 33 až 38 stupňov Celzia.
Recipe 1 and 1/2 volume of my regular recipe:
1615 g olive oil Pomace
531 g distilled water ( in water melt 1,5 tea spoon of kitchen salt and 2 tea spoons of sugar, before adding NAOH)
204 g NAOH
30 ml scent ( I used French Lilac scent, it smelled really nice and strong)
Lye and oil are mixed together when they both reach same temperature in between 33- 38 Celsius.
Activated charcoal, white titanium dioxid and blue clay.
1 čajovú lyžičku som zmiešala s trochou vody, farby vyzerali krásne. V zahriatom oleji som zamiešala esenciu.
One tea spoon of each I mixed with water, colors looked really nice. In warm oil I mix the scent.
Toto je moja silikónová podložka s čipkou v presne veľkej škatuľke od slnečných okuliarov.
This is my silicone mat with lace and exact size sunglasses box to fit in.
Just before reaching trace I separated soap for three equal parts and add activated charcoal, white titan dioxid and blue clay.
I haven´t got a picture here, this one is from different soap, with white lace in black soap, but it is the same step. With spatula I fill each line in lace form by black soap and nicely cleared away every extra bit of soap.
Now I placed carefully lace form in the box and fill up with white soap, slowly over the spoon, not to mix the colors. Remaining soap was already too thick, so in other form I just poured white soap at the bottom, then blue and on top black soap. There was no pattern making. Just layers. Let the soap rest for 24 hours.
Čipkové mydlo naozaj vyšlo krásne, hoci je to malá forma.
Lace soap really looked great, but it is just a small form.
This is the opposite colored lace soap, also I am very pleased with it :-)
Modrý íl vôbec nezafarbil, hoci na začiatku vyzeral skvelo, ale stále to bolo úžasné kastílske mydielko s nádhernou Orgovánovou vôňou :-) Mydlo potrebuje aspoň 3 týždne zrieť, aby jeho PH kleslo odparovaním vody a mydlo stvrdlo. Po 3 týždňoch hurá s ním do mydelničiek :-)
Blue clay didn´t work at all, but it still was great Castilian soap with an amazing French Lilac scent :-) Soap needs to rest at least for 3 weeks before to be used, its PH factor will drop as the water evaporate and soap will harden up. After 3 weeks it is great to use it :-)